Protologue Description: Larnax grandiflora N. W. Sawyer & S. Leiva, sp. nov. TYPE: Peru. Cajamarca: Mpio. San Ignacio, in forest along road from San Martín to El Chaupe. 5°11’S, 79°03'W 1700 m, 26 June 1997, N W. Sawyer 827 (Holotype, NY; isotypes, CONN, HAO, MO). Figure 3.

Planta inter L. andersonii et L. sachapapa quasì intermedia; a L. andersonii lobis calyces multo grandioribus corolla multo grandiore differt; a L. sachapapa lobis calyces haud subulatis, intervenio corollae maculato atroviolaceo differt.

Shrub, 0.5-1.5 m tall. Stems, with branchlets seldom or weakly flexuous, sericeous. Leaves membranous, always geminate, heterophyllous, the larger (major) leaves elliptic, the apex acuminate, the base oblique, cuneate-attenuate,3-10.5 X 2-5 cm, the ,smaller (minor) leaves ovate or elliptic-ovate, the apex cuspidate, the base truncate, l.5-2.5 X 1.2-2 cm. strigose to sericeous above, hirsute to sericeous below, especially along the veins with long, multicellular, simple hairs 06-1.8 mm long. Petiole 06-1.5 cm long, on major leaves, 1-2 mm long on minor leaves, sericeous. Inflorescence axillary, distal on a branch: flowers solitary; peduncle lacking. Flowers pendent or perpendicular to the stem, on sericeous pedicels 5-15 mm long. Flowering calyx green, sericeous, to 9.4 mm long, ca. 4 mm diam., with lanceolate lobes 2-7 mm long of unequal lengths. Corolla campanulate to rotate, pale greenish cream with lustrous violet maculations internally between the veins, membranous, 19-20 mm long, sericeous externally, the interior glabrate with 0 or 1 non-glandular hairs/mm², the tube 2-4 mm long, lobes narrowly triangular, reflexed at the apex ca. 17 mm long, 4-4.5 mm wide at the base. Stamens exserted from the corolla tube, included within the corolla limb. Filaments glabrous, unequal in length, the free portion 2.5-3.5 mm long, adnate to the basal half of the corolla and there broadened and thickened forming a stamen petalum, the bases separated by the corolla vasculature, the adnate portion 1-1.6 mm long. Anthers dorsifixed, connivent. white to violet tinted, ovate to elliptic, occurring in 2 or 3 size classes, 1.8-2.3 X 1.5-1.9 mm, the bases of thecae sagitate; calcium oxalate crystals occurring as druses in pollen sacs. Pollen surface type unknown. Ovary glabrous, obovate to conical, 1.7-1.8 X 1.5-1.8 mm, ringed by a basal nectaty. Style glabrous, ca. 5 mm long; stigma clavate. Fruit not known.

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